We are thrilled to have our application for the Rannís student innovation fund accepted last week. Our candidat, Sylvía Fjóludóttir Wallace, has already settled at the studio and is hard at work developing our photogrammetry pipeline further.

A Bucket which was created in the 18th century.

Sylvía graduated with a diploma from Reykjavik Academy of Digital Entertainment (Margmiðlunarskólinn) in 2019 and continued her studies in the UK where she recently graduated from Bournemouth University of Arts with a BA (hons) in Visual Effects Design and Production.

Screenshot taken in-game

This summer she will be taking part in scanning historical items on site and producing them in 3D for the world of Island of winds.

We welcome Sylvia at the office!




Grensasvegi 8 | 108 Reykjavík
